Saturday, August 12, 2006

Nobody's Business

When I was growing up I was often intrigued by offices.My initial impression of offices was that of people working at their desks with lots of interesting stuff on their tables-different kind of pens,writing pads,binders while the boss held the imposing corner office.The quintissential image of the big guy I had was that of an old balding guy with a large tummy who scared the hell out of his subordinates.Hindi movies were mostly responsible for this image.

Another thing that had me stumped was the question as to what the hell was a "Businessman" or "Business" for that matter.The movies I saw,there was always someone playing the rich business tycoon or the spoilt son of one.The problem was the movies never revealed what business these guys did.Mostly it was "import-export".I still havent quite figured out that one.

In the movies the sons and daughters of businessmen often went abroad("vilayat") and returned with sun glasses and drove fast cars.In one of my favorite movies "Trishul", Amitabh plays the illegitimate son of a big business tycoon and through his wily skills overruns the empire.I loved that and it somehow dawned on me that business was basically "Auction" bid large sums of money to outbid an opponent.It seemed fun but the question remained what the hell did a Businessman do.

Then I used to see scores of people while travelling on train journeys who used to introduce themselves as "Businessmen".These guys looked far removed from the glamorous stereotypes I saw in the movies.

Fast forward to the present,I havent still quite figured it out.Now I know that not all MBA's are Businessmen...many work for Businesses. I also work for a Business...and no its not "import-export".There is no corner office...everyone works in cubicles and peers into their computer monitors all day long.Files and folders exist on a computer though I still love stationary specially post-its!

So again what does a Business or a Businessman do? I guess that's none of my business!.

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