Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Random thoughts on a weekday....

Ok...I have nothing specific to write about so I will ramble somewhat aimlessly today.
The other day I was thinking about "Fate and chance"...not in a mathematical or statistical sort of way but more in terms of its imapct on our lives.Sometimes I really wonder if anything has a meaning at all...a lot of things in nature work on the principle of chance...for example-the very creation of life.Everything seems to be controlled by an unknown element of mystery and chance.Suppose you are driving down a road and get into an accident....why does that happen? why did it happen to you?No one can answer these questions.Statistics says that perhaps the probability of people driving down a road and meeting with an accident is say x % based on number of cars on the road,driving conditions etc.But if you happen to be in that x % then what is that supposed to mean?Was it your luck or a random event in which you figured by chance.You see what a hopeless quagmire this is...

Religion,Science and Philosophy deal with this universal question very differently.Religion asks you to believe in "Karma" or destiny.Your path in life is pre-decided by the Supreme being and everything that happens is pre-written in the pages of your book of life.

Science talks about probability and tries to put a number to the events in life making it seem statistical and cold.But life is not all numbers and probabilities or is it?

Philosophy often tries to tread the middle ground if there is one that is.It teaches us to question.
Many philosphers have even asked what do we mean by understanding or to question 'why' things happen.

None of this happens to answer the universal question of life- why do things happen the way they do?Is everything predestined to happen?

I somewhat believe that in the grand scheme of things there is no rhyme or reason why things happen. They are meaningless events in a random cosmos.

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