Thursday, April 03, 2008

Not enought wheat?

When I stopped by the local desi store to get stuff, the owner had an interesting story to tell. Apparently the Indian Government had banned all wheat exports citing domestic shortages. The US farmers dropped wheat and grew sugarcane instead the last season. The plum ethanol prices must have been too lucrative. So with no in-house wheat production,America imported wheat from countries like India to satisfy the McDonalds and the Pizza Huts.

The Indian Govt has its own ridiculous policies which led to a wheat shortage with the end result that there's not enough for national consumption. So the Indian Govt went ahead and banned all wheat exports. There you see, I got my 'flat' world moment!

So now we have to make do with wheat produce from Canada. Its not exactly 'aata'- some strange concoction called "durram atta' . Even the price of that has gone through the roof from $9 to $18 . The American farmers have planted a huge winter wheat crop this season and the prices are expected to get restored later this year. But till then expect to shell out more on your pizzas and bagels.