Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter Weekend

I would like to dedicate this weekend to Harry.On Saturday we ventured out to watch the new sequel to the Potter series-"The Order of Phoenix". I haven't thumbed through every one of the four Potter books so far. I have scrambled through some pages of the first volumes and the only one I have read through is the "Prisoner of Azkaban".

The narrative is delightful. It has that old world charm of an enticing story which makes you turn the pages as fast as you can. The imagination is rich,vivid and breathtaking. I must say JK Rowling has made reading in vogue again specially amongst the children.Coming back to the movie,we had the tickets to the IMAX/3D experience. I have watched a couple of those now with "Return of Superman" and "Spiderman 3" recently. The screen is gigantic and the sound system they employ is a bewildering 12000 watts surround. Of course the whole movie is not in 3D. As with the earlier ones I had watched,there are short action sequences within the movie which are in 3D. So when you see the blinking glasses sign at the bottom of the screen, you know its time to put on the fancy 3D glasses they hand out at the start of the show. Its fun for sure. You almost feel like a kid in a candy store waiting impatiently for the 3D sign to appear. The excitement of the children is infectious.Its amusing to see the little ones walk into the theater sporting big smiles and the 3D glasses on the whole time. The best part was when Harry's kissing scene came along. A kid in the row behind us quipped "Are'nt they gonna kiss in 3D?".His parents went "ssh....".

The movie was excellent. Even though I haven't read the book, I know the characters and the general storyline quite well.The end 20 minute fight sequence featuring Harry,Dumbledore and the dark lord was breathtaking in 3D IMAX. I almost felt like I was in the middle of it all with lightning and fire blazing. That scene itself was moneys worth. The story was so captivating that I felt it ended all too soon. Little did I realize how fast the 2 hours flew by.There was a mild hiccup before the show though. I had purchased our tickets through the online system where you get to choose the seat. Now when we walked into the theater, we found out that one of the seats we booked online didn't even exist physically. With the show being sold out I thought I was going to give the guest services a dressing down but the Manager ushered us into two great seats normally reserved for the Press. Since there were no print folks expected today,it was a neat way out of the mess. So much for online seat selection.

The other day I saw Larry King interview Daniel Radcliffe. Not even 18, the fella is already worth millions.You don't need that magic wand, do you Harry? Not to mention that JK Rowling is the first literary billionaire.There is frenzied excitement over the next Potter book coming out in a week's time with midnight launch parties planned in book stores across continents. When was the last time buying a book sounded so exciting?

So for ordinary muggles like me, what do I say? Perhaps "Expecto Patronum"....there you go.

Friday, July 06, 2007

July 4th

Its good to be in America on July 4th-you get a holiday!.Some years if you are lucky the holiday falls on a Friday or a Monday making it a long weekend which is a ready excuse for packing up and holidaying somewhere.Unfortunately that didn't happen this time around.The corporates no longer are generous enough to convert a mid week holiday into a long weekend. Those days are long gone.

A holiday in the middle of a work week can seem strange-more like a sudden stall in the monotony of work.The next day can be bitter sweet thinking about a break which went so fast that it didn't even register.Anyway, I believe in making the most of a paid day off.A recent study declared America to be a 'no-vacation-nation'. The Europeans lead in the holiday category.Since a day is just not enough time to drive anywhere far,we decided to spend the day in the city which turned out to be an eat out and a movie day.I realized that we had never tried out the Buffalo wild wings grill just across the street.The food was delicious specially the hot sauce was sensational.Its not always that spicy means 'spicy' around here. Most of the times it turns out pretty mild. So a thumbs up to the folks at Buffalo Wings.

The movie was "Live Free or Die Hard" another sequel to the Die Hard series with this one coming out after a dozen years or so.I booked us into the director's hall since there were no 3D/IMAX options.The Director's hall turned out to be a smaller theater with leather recliners,definitely much more comfortable than the normal fare. Just before the show started a plump old lady slipped and fell in the aisle just behind us. Miraculously she didn't break any bones.Thank goodness for that. The movie was entertaining- an action packed,typical Hollywood blockbuster.Bruce Willis comfortably over 50 now but still pretty nimble and having that deadpan humor that was the highlight of the movie. A typical conversation went like this:

Co-Star: They kidnapped your daughter,What you gonna do?
Bruce: I will kill all of them and get my daughter back.
Co-Star:That's you plan?Listen...we ought to have a plan B...
Bruce:Yeah...that's my plan...I'm gonna go there and kick their ass...

Gave the 4th of July fireworks in the local area a miss.Been to too many of those.No longer fun until you are out with a group and a picnic hamper.In fact there was a tornado warning in effect but luckily for the crowds the rain Gods relented just long enough for the fireworks to finish before the much needed rain drops crashed over the cityscape.

I mentally made a note to check out the history behind the 4th of July-wikipedia to the rescue!.